【图】崔胜贤手机高清壁纸欣赏  崔胜贤个人资料介绍

2015/11/4 12:43:00 作者:O2-liuxi… 来源:yxlady

Big Bang's rapper T.O.P has never felt like your average popstar. He's feline-sleek yet awkward, and no amount of media training has quelled his fascinating combination of chilly reserve and childlike whimsy......You might ask why we would award the #1 slot to a track that didn't want to be K-Pop, but as a product of T.O.P and producerChoice37, both unquestionably ingrained within the genre, “Doom Dada” can be nowhere else but the top spot.(英国时尚文化类杂志)
