




Candle in the Wind 风中之烛

Goodbye Norma Jean, 永别了,诺玛·琴,

Though I never knew you at all, 虽然我完全无缘认识你,

You had the grace to hold yourself, 但你能高雅地洁身自守,

While those around you crawled. 无视你周遭的人都已奴颜婢膝。

They crawled out of the woodwork, 他们如同木作里爬出的蛀虫,

And they whispered into your brain, 镇日在你的耳边细语影响你;

They set you on the treadmill, 他们把你送上刑台

And they made you change your name. 他们还要你换姓改名

And it seems to me you lived your life, 我总认为你的一生

Like a candle in the wind. 就像是风中之烛。

Never knowing who to cling to, 不知道有谁能够让你倚靠,

When the rain set in. 好让你遮风避雨,

And I would have liked to have known you, 而我好希望当时能够认识你

But I was just a kid, 但那时我只是个孩子。

Your candle burned out long before, 你的烛火虽已烧尽,

The legend ever did. 但你的传奇将流传下去。

Lonliness was tough, 孤独教人难熬,

The toughest role you ever played, 那正是你一生扮演过最艰难的一角。

Hollywood created a superstar, 好莱坞创造了一个超级巨星,

And the pain was the price you paid. 痛苦却是你必须付出的代价。

Even when you died, 即使到你去世之日,

All the press still hounded you, 媒体依旧对你毫不留情,

All the papers had to say was 所有的报纸刊登竟都只是

That Marilyn was found in the nude. 梦露被发现的时候一丝不挂。

And it seems to me you lived your life, 我总认为你的一生

Like a candle in the wind. 就像是风中之烛。

Never knowing who to cling to, 不知道有谁能够让你倚靠,

When the rain set in. 好避风遮雨。

And I would have liked to have known you, 而我好希望当时能够认识你,

But I was just a kid, 但是那时我只是个孩子。

Your candle burned out long before, 你的烛火虽已烧尽,

The legend ever did. 但传奇将流传下去。

Goodbye Norma Jean, 永别了,诺玛·琴,

Though I never knew you at all, 虽然我完全无缘认识你,

You had the grace to hold yourself, 但你能高雅地洁身自守,

While those around you crawled. 无视你周遭的人都已奴颜婢膝。

Goodbye Norma Jean, 永别了诺玛?琴,

From the young man in the 22nd row, 你忠心的年轻歌迷向你告别,

Who sees you as something more than sexual, 他知道你绝不只是一个性感女星,

More than just our Marilyn Monroe. 绝不只是我们的玛丽莲?梦露。

And it seems to me you lived your life, 我总认为你的一生

Like a candle in the wind. 就像是风中之烛。

Never knowing who to cling to, 不知道有谁能够让你倚靠,

When the rain set in. 好避风遮雨。

And I would have liked to have known you, 而我好希望当时能够认识你,

But I was just a kid, 但是那时我只是个孩子。

Your candle burned out long before, 你的烛火虽已烧尽,

The legend ever did. 但传奇将流传下去。

Your candle burned out long before, 你的烛火虽已烧尽,

The legend ever did. 但传奇将永世下去。
