《Trouble is a friend》(麻烦是朋友)来自澳洲Electronic-Rock团体Decoder Ring中的优质创作甜美女歌手Lenka演唱。
Trouble will find you no mater where you go oh oh
No Matter if you're fast no matter if you're slow oh oh
The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn oh oh
You're fine for a while but you start to lose control
He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the winds
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend
Yeah trouble is a friend of mine oh oh
Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe oh oh
And no matter what
I feed him he always seems to grow oh oh
He sees what I see and he knows what I know oh oh
So don't forget as you ease on down the road
He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the winds
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend
Yeah trouble is a friend of mine oh oh
So I don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
I won't let him win but I'm a sucker for his charm
Trouble is a friend
Yeah trouble is a friend of mine Oh oh
Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel
And how I try to make him leave I try
Oh Oh I try
He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the winds
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend
Yeah trouble is a friend of mine oh oh
So I don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
I won't let him win but I'm a sucker for his charm
Trouble is a friend
Yeah trouble is a friend of mine Oh oh
蹦蹦蹦的歌曲是Black Eyed Peas的《Boom Boom Pow》。2、是美国组合黑眼豆豆的一首歌曲,由威廉姆·亚当斯、Apl.de.Ap、Taboo和菲姬共同创作。是一首有趣搞笑的机械流行歌曲,它没有真正意味上的副歌,歌曲伴随着808次心碎风格的节奏以及中途大量的Auto-Tune电子合成音变得有传染力。3、歌词:
我不知道你指的具体是哪一首英文歌曲,因为有很多歌手都会演唱英文歌曲。但是一些著名的英文歌手包括:Adele,Taylor Swift,Ed Sheeran,Beyoncé,Billie Eilish,Bruno Mars等等。这些歌手在全球范围内都有很高的知名度和粉丝基础。无论你是否喜欢他们的音乐,他们都是当今英文音乐界的代表人物之一。
灵魂摆渡里只有一首中英混唱的歌,是肖茵唱的就是玄女唱的叫lucky boy
如果是蔡徐坤代言的那个23广告,前一半短语是fly away feat.让后主页是一只眼睛
歌名叫《I Do》是法国歌曲, 片尾的字幕中有提到 作词是Sirsa Shekim(法国) 作曲是Cyril Morin (法国) 演唱是Sirsa Shekim(法国)
《全赖有你》国语版歌词 - 《人面桃花》 漫步风中 桃花春天 一见钟情 多浪漫 为何你却 不告而别 让我傻傻 的怀念 去年今天 桃花人面 笑在风中 多娇艳 春宵一刻 风华灿烂 芳踪渺渺 何时还 红尘滚滚 人生匆匆 你永远是 我美梦 千里追寻 你的倩影 不能放下 这爱怜 红尘滚滚 人生匆匆 你永远是 我美梦 牵你的手 许下誓言 一生长路 共渡过