
2024/10/8 10:38:24 作者:佚名 来源:伊秀娱乐网



从句对过去的虚拟用had done,对现在的虚拟用过去式(be用were),对将来的虚拟用过去式/should(should可省略)/were to+v.;

主句对过去虚拟用should/would/could/might+have done, 对现在虚拟用should/would/could/might+v., 对将来虚拟用should/would/could/might+v.

Had it not been for you, I would not have finished my work. (主从句都是对过去的虚拟)。

If he were here, he would enjoy the film. (主从句都是对现在的虚拟)

If it were to rain tomorrow, we would stay at home. (主从句都是对将来的虚拟)


If they had left home early, they would arrive in half an hour.(实际上他们也没有早离家,当然也不可能在半个小时内到。)

有些词常用虚拟, 如

for fear that, in case, in order that, lest, so that


If the country should be at peace, the treasure will be divided among them.




比如The hunger games中就有很多虚拟语气的句子。当然,每本原著中几乎都有这样的句子。比如我儿子读的第一套章节书《疯狂学校》(My weird school)中就有I wish I were in your shoes这样的虚拟句。


(Only were it to snow)exceptionally heavily might railway services be temporarily dislocated.



而我们文中说了,飞机航班可能因恶劣天气而取消轮船也可能因风暴而推延,都是用了may, 说明这种可能性是经常发生真实存在的。而火车因exceptionally heavy snow而晚点或者是停开这种情况几乎是不可能发生的,所以用了虚拟。


L38 Everything except the weather

He acted as if he had never lived in England before. (as if 引导虚拟条件句,并且是对过去的虚拟,所以用had lived。而实际情况是,他过去曾经住在英国,因为第1句就提到他回到英国。)

L40 Food and talk

If you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner.(主从句都是对现在的虚拟,实际上作者一直在试图搭讪)


He would enjoy this if he were present.

If you broke this window, you would have to pay for it.

If he were clever, he would not have any difficulty.

What would you do if you won a lot of money?

If I were you I wouldn't be so confident.

If you could help me, I would be grateful.

L64 The channel tunnel

If, at the time, the British had not feared invasion, it would have been completed. (主从句都是对过去的虚拟)


If you had told me about it earlier, I wouldhave been able to help you.

If you could have come with us, we would have been pleased.

You would not have made such a mistake if you had been more careful.

If father were alive, he would be horrified.

L71 A famous clock

If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected.(主从句都是对过去的虚拟)

L88 Trapped in a mine

If they knew how difficult it was to drill through the hard rock, they would lose heart.(主从句都是对现在的虚拟)

L95 A fantasy

If I had been, I would not have been able to get home for lunch.(主从句都是对过去的虚拟)