Lachi的《We Can Fly》 歌词?

2024/9/7 23:34:31 作者:佚名 来源:伊秀娱乐网
Lachi的《We Can Fly》 歌词?

一、Lachi的《We Can Fly》 歌词?

歌曲名:We Can Fly



take a sip and say you're trying hard to tell me

Then there's something 'bout a right to know

pretty smile never looked so damn low

I say 'I love you', now you're crying much harder

Then i drop that bomb on me

A split second of a doubt

Then I kiss you baby

You don't expect nothin' of me

You thought about it and you made your plans

Now maybe we're not this

And maybe we're not that

But if two are in love,if they're strong, as we are

Then maybe we can...

I don't want to go

And I don't want to leave

Whatever is a part of you you must be a part of me

I don't want wo choose

I'm already free

If any woman, any man, can get through it, then we can

i am sayin' that is gonna be easy

I ain't saying that is all downhill

But with the stuggle gonna come it's owm fair of thrills

Why you pushin' me away like you are

Did they tell you that I'd run for shure

Well I'm here, do you see me makin' for the back door?

I don't want to go

And I don't want to leave

Whatever is a part of you you must be a part of me

I don't want wo choose

I'm already free

If any woman, any man, can get through it, then we can

You won't dernand nothin' of me

I'd give you everything that I have

Maybe it is tough and maybe it is hard

But if two are in love, if they're strong as we are

Then maybe we can

I don't want to go

And I don't want to leave

Whatever is a part of you you must be a part of me

I don't want wo choose

I'm already free

If any woman, any man, can get through it, then we can

I don't want to go

And I don't want to leave

Whatever is a part of you you must be a part of me

I don't want wo choose

I'm already free

If any woman, any man, can get through it, then we can

二、we can fly 是哪个电影?

"We Can Fly" 并不是一部电影,而是一首歌曲。这首歌曲最初是由美国音乐家 James Horner 创作的,后来被用作电影《小飞象》(Dumbo)的插曲。这部迪士尼动画电影于1941年上映,讲述了一只大耳朵小象 Dumbo 在经历了一系列困难后最终实现自己的梦想的故事。"We Can Fly" 这首歌曲是在 Dumbo 和他的朋友们乘坐彩色气球飞行时演唱的,歌词充满了希望和梦想的力量,成为了这部经典动画电影中的经典之作。

三、can we go can we run 歌词?

《Can We Go》



amerie - can't let go

yeah yeah

yeah yeah yeah

oh oh

whoa yeah

i never knew real love real love

till you were mine

and i

and i never knew each touch

between us would feel like the first time

the very first time well

see i remember the days of hurt and pain

just wouldn't let go oh oh oh oh oh oh

and now every night shines so brightly

and i know i know i'm not alone

not alone no more no

i can't let go

i can't let go

i can't let go let go (i can't let go let go)

all i know

all i know all i know

i know i know

is i can't

i can't let go

there's so much of you

your love

your love inside my heart

words can't really explain

explain and i

i just don't believe i don't believe

that i can go on

if i ever let it slip away slip away yeah

all i want to do is love you (all i want)

everyday everyday (everyday)

now until forever

we belong

your heart belongs to me

and that's the way it's suppose to be

cause i won't let you go

i can't let go

i can't let go

i can't let go let go (let you go)

all i know

all i know all i know (you make me feel so real)

i know i know

is i can't (yeah)

i can't let go

i can't let go (i can't let you go)

i can't let go (or your lovin)

i can't let go let go

all i know (all i know)

all i know all i know

i know i know

is i can't (can't let go)

i can't let go

oh oh oh

yeah yeah

whoa whoa whoa

now ever since we first met

i knew that you were the one for me for me

and i

i promised myself that i would never let you leave

no no no no no no

never lettin you leave

never lettin you go

never lettin you be

not ever until i know

that you (you belong to me)

四、l can fly kites还是l can fly a lite?

是I can fly a kite,例如:

1.Because I can fly a kite and plant trees in spring.因为我可以放凤凰,去植树。

2.I can fly a kite and go climbing, too.我还可以放风筝和爬山。

4.I can fly a kite. I think it is very interesting.我可以放风筝,我想那是很有趣的事。

5.I can fly a kite on a windy day.我们在刮风的日子里放风筝。

五、if i can fly 歌词?


我对你的爱 从未都放开


这是我爱你的路 每天在为你铺

难过的时候打电话 给你内心都在哭

房间渐渐灰暗 饶舌都没下段


心里开始默数 与你走过多少路


在开始中结束 为爱执迷不悟


不知道如何下笔 歌应该怎么录


久久放不下的痛 依然记在心中


此时此刻的我 心里受了挫

曾经许下过承诺 眼泪又再次划落


If I can fly 飞到你心间

Just think of it , or say goodbye

We have been changed 还是放开了你的手

I just wanna say goodbye X2


只要闭上双眼眼 幸福的画面开始上演

我们的爱 需要更多的时间

内心的痛楚 谁又能来弥补

心里默默的痛苦 走上这条不归路

相见的未来 我要努力去释怀

感情的悲哀 是我给过你的伤害

年轻的过错 我们当时都很迷惑

至少我相信 我们曾经拥有过

我一睁开双眼 什么都看不见

孤单的身影 独自徘徊在海边

奔腾的海潮 带走我对你的思念

我的爱 我的爱 一直都在你身边

看着日记一页又一页 好想忘记 一切又一切

冰冷的心 只想靠在你的心间

因为你知道 你就是我的一切


If I can fly 飞到你心间

Just think of it , or say goodbye

We have been changed 还是放开了你的手

I just wanna say goodbye

我们的爱情 从信任到迷雾

无法抚平的伤痕 拿什么来结束

彼此拥有的过去 只是错觉而已

即使很多时间 找不到最初的起点

无时无刻对你笑的我 也许没有归宿 或许无路可走

最后那句I LOVE YOU 最终还是被goodbye所代替

If I can fly 飞到你心间

Just think of it , or say goodbye

We have been changed 还是放开了你的手


六、Can we 怎么造句?

1.Look, can we just drop it?喂,这事儿能不能就谈到这儿?

2.Can we take it as read that you want the job?我们能不能认为你想要这份工作?

3.can we go to the park? 我们能够去公园吗?

4.Can we get started now? 现在我们可以开始了吗?

5.Can we get begin? 我们能够开始了吗?

七、we can be everything歌词?




Everything (with Helen Boulding)

Stars and souls tied by charge

Stars and souls

We are dust that‘s made up of love

We are dust, particles of love we are

It‘s everything, everything, everything we are

all we are, is everything,

everything, everything we are

Stars and souls tied by charge

Stars and souls

We are dust that‘s made up of love

We are dust, particles of love we are

It‘s everything, everything, everything we are

It‘s everything, everything, everything we are

Can we love when there‘s no return.

we can dream, we can hope , we can learn

We can feel, like there is no fear

there‘s a place for love and the love is here

all we are, is everything,

everything, everything we are

It‘s everything, everything, everything we are

八、can we 的答语?


那么答定回答是:we can, 否定回答就是No,we can't.

否则答you can例句:Can we walk home together after class?

Yes,we can!Mum,my classmate called.

Can we go out and play?Yes,you can.2.意思是对的,也通顺.

Can we have some apples?

Yes,you can.

九、we can say 歌词?

歌词 “We can say love ”出自由 金润吉 演唱的歌曲《Love Love》。

Love Love - 金润吉




庄子说爱情 是蝴蝶的秘密

老子说爱情 玄又玄的玄机

到底 你们谁有理

痴人说爱 全是谜题

孔子说爱情 距离产生问题

孟子说爱情 讲究天时地利



we can say love love love love

we can say love love love love

华佗说爱情 有病就要求医

鲁班说爱情 最重要是根基

到底 有没有头绪

各说各话 急死情侣

周公说爱情 梦里都是甜蜜

关公说爱情 一定要有勇气



we can say love love love love

we can say love love love love

we can say love love love love

we can say love love love love





学天文 只看牛郎织女

学地理 只看断桥大理

学星座 只看爱情运气


we can say love love love love

we can say love love love love

we can say love love love love

we can say love love love love

十、only…can we造句?

1.Only by reasoning can we convince people completely.只有以理服人,才能使人心悦诚服。

2.Only by increasing production can we feed everyone.只有增加生产,才能解决吃饭问题。

3.Only by working together can we beat the sand tiger.只有大家一起干,才能制服沙老虎。