他出众的时尚感被媒体称为Fashion Icon,被韩国媒体及大众称为“流行缔造者”、“话题制造机”。 他对于时尚潮流的敏锐力、超凡的舞台把控实力及一手包办全团词曲创作等,让GD迅速成为潮流风向标,任何领域皆有GD身影 。
《纽约时报》2013年9月15日的头条刊登了评价权志龙的正规2辑的文章,名为《K-POP的风暴特使》(K-Pop's Antic Emissary Raids the Cupboard)。在文章末尾提到:“G-Dragon有综合表达音乐的能力,以后如果更努力通过视觉效果来传递音乐,还会更进一步前进。”并且,还称赞道:“模仿美国流行音乐的K-POP时代将会过去,全世界都会向G-Dragon学习。
Big Bang's rapper T.O.P has never felt like your average popstar. He's feline-sleek yet awkward, and no amount of media training has quelled his fascinating combination of chilly reserve and childlike whimsy......You might ask why we would award the #1 slot to a track that didn't want to be K-Pop, but as a product of T.O.P and producerChoice37, both unquestionably ingrained within the genre, “Doom Dada” can be nowhere else but the top spot.